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How to Kindly Coach Your Child When They Make a MistakeHas your child ever insisted on pouring their own juice, only to spill it all over the table? Or maybe they decided to dress themselves and ended up with their clothes on backward. As caregivers, we know that raising children comes with a lot of messes and mistakes. And that’s an important part of their learning process! By kindly coaching them through their mistakes, we can help them develop problem-solving skills, self-confidence, and a love for learning that will benefit them throughout their lives.
Why Is Bedtime Always a Battle With My Toddler and What Can I Do About It?Do you dread bedtime every night? Do you anticipate negotiations, tears, and difficult behavior from your toddler when it’s time to go to sleep? If so, you’re not alone. Due to their development stage and other factors, toddlers can make bedtime a bad time. We’ve provided some strategies you can test out and see if they help ease your toddler to sleep.
What Are the Symptoms of Toxic Stress?As caregivers, we strive to create a safe and nurturing environment where our children can grow and thrive. However, there are times when life throws unexpected challenges their way. While stress is a natural part of life, being exposed to ongoing, harmful stress—called toxic stress—can negatively affect children’s health. It's important to know the signs of toxic stress so that we can provide the support needed to protect them.
Early Interactions: The Foundation for Brain Development Even if those early “conversations” with your newborn may seem a little one-sided at first, you’re building your baby’s brain by recognizing, acknowledging, and responding to her cues. Learn more about these important back-and-forth interactions between parent and newborn.
How to Recognize Signs of Trauma in ChildrenAs caregivers, we all share the same goal of wanting our children to have a healthy and thriving future. However, children may still experience distressing or traumatic moments. By recognizing the signs of trauma early on, we can provide the necessary care to support our children’s well-being.
Preschooler Brain Development Your child’s brain develops with every activity. When children are preschool age (three to five years old), you can see them learning and growing, not only with you but with others who teach or interact with them. Here are some specific things to look for at this stage of development.
How Toxic Stress Can Affect Children’s DevelopmentEach of us has experienced stress at some point in our lives. Some stress can even be helpful, as it can motivate us to accomplish a goal. But a type of stress called toxic stress can negatively affect our children’s development. The good news is, there are many different ways you can help protect your child from the effects of toxic stress.
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