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Filtered by: Baby
Different Discipline Styles in Action: Various Ways to Respond to MisbehaviorDiscipline is often most effective when it’s consistent and predictable for children. If the expectations continue to change, children might get confused about how to act in specific situations. It’s important for both caregivers to co-develop boundaries, expectations, and approaches to discipline and then apply those consistently.
Q&A with Mario Lopez and Family about Having a New Baby at HomeThe Lopez family went from a family of four to a family of five and newest big sister and brother answer questions about what it feels like at home. The kids answer questions about bonding as a family, songs they sing together, and, well, who handles diaper duties!
Parenting & Behavior Management Strategies (Baby)Parenting is a family’s approach to raising a child. Teaching your baby appropriate behaviors and responses is a big part of it. When deciding how to discipline your baby, it is important to research different strategies and choose the approach that works for your child and family. Don’t be afraid to mix the approach and match strategies as long as they work at helping your baby learn in a positive way, and you are consistent with what you do. Remember to model expectations.
Raising a ReaderInstilling a love of reading in your child is one of the best gifts you can give them. The best part about reading aloud is that you don't need any special tools or a lot of money – it's just you, your child, and a book! Read every day to help build your child’s vocabulary and prepare them for kindergarten and beyond. Talk. Read. Sing. It changes everything®
Risk Factors and Early Warning Signs Knowing the early warning signs and risk factors for childhood disabilities and delays is key to getting the early help your child may need. Early intervention is proven to be effective in helping children with special needs – either to overcome delays or help set them up for future success.
290 Results found