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What is TK & Kindergarten?Transitional kindergarten (TK) and kindergarten (K) may be your child’s first-ever experience in a school setting – or it may be a time of transition, moving up from preschool to elementary school. Regardless, it’s an exciting and special milestone. Find out more about the difference between TK and K and what to expect for your child.
Doctor Visits and CheckupsThe American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that you take your baby in for at least nine checkups during the first three years. During these visits, your child will receive a complete physical examination, height and weight measurements, and recommended vaccinations. Your pediatrician will also ask you about your child’s developmental milestones and can offer advice on everything from introducing solid foods to toilet training.
Routines for Babies That Take 5 Minutes or LessIncorporating routines into daily life provides a calm and stable environment for our babies—and for us as caregivers! We can help our babies thrive by creating a rhythm and making their day more predictable. Routines also help babies learn self-control, feel safe, and more easily cope with transitions.
Why Children Crave Consistency and Clear ExpectationsImagine this scenario: A child is playing with their sibling. All of a sudden, the sibling snatches a toy out of the child’s hands. Angry and upset, the child throws a block at their sibling. The block hits a picture frame, and the glass shatters. The caregiver runs into the room and starts yelling at the child, “No, don’t throw blocks! You’re on time out.” The child, still upset that their sibling took their toy, is now flooded with even more emotions because of their caregiver’s unexpected and big reaction. Instead of learning what they did wrong, the child throws a tantrum out of frustration, fear, anger, and all the emotions that they can’t yet put into words.
Does Sticking to Consistent Routines Really Matter? And Other FAQs About RoutinesRoutines, routines, routines. There’s a lot of buzz out there about the importance of developing consistent routines for our children. But many caregivers have unanswered questions about just how important routines are, how to fit them into their already busy lives, and more. Keep reading to find the answers to caregivers’ most-asked questions about developing routines.
Parenting & Behavior Management Strategies (Baby)Parenting is a family’s approach to raising a child. Teaching your baby appropriate behaviors and responses is a big part of it. When deciding how to discipline your baby, it is important to research different strategies and choose the approach that works for your child and family. Don’t be afraid to mix the approach and match strategies as long as they work at helping your baby learn in a positive way, and you are consistent with what you do. Remember to model expectations.
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