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What are speech, language, and literacy? Why are they important? The first three years of a child's life are the most critical for speech and language development. That’s because a baby’s brain at this stage is best able to absorb language during this critical growth period. In this section, you’ll learn why speech and language play such an important role in your child’s development.
What are speech, language, and literacy? Why are they important?The first three years of a child's life are the most critical for speech and language development. That’s because a baby’s brain at this stage is best able to absorb language during this critical growth period. In this section, you’ll learn why speech and language play such an important role in your child’s development.
Multiple Languages in the Home - Benefits and MythsIs there more than one language spoken in your home? Does your child hear one language from you and another from his grandparents? The more languages, the better! The first three years of a child's life are the most critical for speech and language development because the brain is best able to absorb language during this period.
Everyday Opportunities for Speech, Language, and Literacy DevelopmentIt's important for parents and caregivers to understand the critical role they play in their child's language development. A child develops much of her capacity for learning during the earliest years, since this is the time when the brain undergoes its most dramatic growth.
Teaching Your Child to Be Bilingual? These Tips Can HelpTeaching your child to be bilingual can be a wonderful gift that opens up opportunities for communication and cultural understanding. Introducing your child to two languages at a young age helps them tap into their natural language learning abilities.
How to talk to your child at each ageEven if those early “conversations” with your newborn may seem a little one-sided at first, you’re building your baby’s brain by recognizing, acknowledging, and responding to her cues. Learn more about these important back-and-forth interactions between parent and newborn.
My Child Isn’t Talking: How to Help Children Develop Their Speaking SkillsGaining communication and language skills is one of the most important parts of early childhood development. For caregivers of children who aren’t meeting language milestones, it can be concerning. However, there are many different steps caregivers can take to help with language development.
Helping Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Children Thrive Through Early Intervention and Accessible EnvironmentsHelping children develop language and communication skills early on is one of the most important ways caregivers can give their children a stronger start in life. California parents and caregivers of children who are deaf or hard of hearing can access a wealth of support and resources to help their children thrive.
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