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Doctor Visits and CheckupsThe American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that you take your baby in for at least nine checkups during the first three years. During these visits, your child will receive a complete physical examination, height and weight measurements, and recommended vaccinations. Your pediatrician will also ask you about your child’s developmental milestones and can offer advice on everything from introducing solid foods to toilet training.
What Can Cause a Loss of Appetite in Children?Many children will experience a loss of appetite at some point. As a parent, it’s natural to worry when your child doesn’t seem to be eating as much as usual. It’s important to recognize what might be causing a loss of appetite and when it might be time to seek help from your pediatrician.
My Child Isn’t Talking: How to Help Children Develop Their Speaking SkillsGaining communication and language skills is one of the most important parts of early childhood development. For caregivers of children who aren’t meeting language milestones, it can be concerning. However, there are many different steps caregivers can take to help with language development.
Ideas for Keeping Your Child Healthy During Cold & Flu SeasonWe’re about to enter that time of year again: cold and flu season. For many caregivers, this can be a dreaded time of stuffy noses and ear infections. Because children’s immune systems are still developing, it might seem like your child is always getting sick! While they likely can’t avoid getting sick entirely, there are some ways to help reduce the risk.
Risk Factors and Early Warning Signs Knowing the early warning signs and risk factors for childhood disabilities and delays is key to getting the early help your child may need. Early intervention is proven to be effective in helping children with special needs – either to overcome delays or help set them up for future success.
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