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How to Help Children Develop a Secure Attachment to CaregiversChildren’s first relationships that they develop in life are with their caregivers. These interactions impact the type of attachment style they develop, or how they form and maintain emotional bonds. There are different steps we can take as caregivers to help our children form positive relationships with us and with others throughout their lives.
Multiple Languages in the Home - Benefits and MythsIs there more than one language spoken in your home? Does your child hear one language from you and another from his grandparents? The more languages, the better! The first three years of a child's life are the most critical for speech and language development because the brain is best able to absorb language during this period.
The Most Surprising and Unexpected Aspects of Becoming a ParentBecoming a parent is a life-changing experience. The journey of parenthood is challenging, requiring growth and the development of new skills. It can also offer joy, fulfillment, and so much love. To help you prepare for this time, we’ve put together some of the most surprising and unexpected aspects of becoming a new parent.
The Benefits of Peaceful Parenting and How to Try It OutChildren have the best belly laughs and joyful squeals of happiness. They feel their feelings fully! But sometimes they need the help and support of their caregivers to better understand how to express their feelings in a healthy way. As caregivers, when we approach these emotional moments from a place of peace, we put ourselves in the best position to support our children when they feel big emotions.
Does Sticking to Consistent Routines Really Matter? And Other FAQs About RoutinesRoutines, routines, routines. There’s a lot of buzz out there about the importance of developing consistent routines for our children. But many caregivers have unanswered questions about just how important routines are, how to fit them into their already busy lives, and more. Keep reading to find the answers to caregivers’ most-asked questions about developing routines.
What Are the Symptoms of Toxic Stress?As caregivers, we strive to create a safe and nurturing environment where our children can grow and thrive. However, there are times when life throws unexpected challenges their way. While stress is a natural part of life, being exposed to ongoing, harmful stress—called toxic stress—can negatively affect children’s health. It's important to know the signs of toxic stress so that we can provide the support needed to protect them.
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