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5 Ways to Get Your Child Excited for Preschool AdventuresPreparing your child for preschool is a big milestone that can feel both exciting and stressful. From discussing the exciting adventures they’ll have at preschool to addressing any worries or concerns they may have, you can help your child feel prepared and excited for this next chapter in their life.
Making Math Fun: 5 Activities for You and Your ChildChildren’s brains absorb new information every day, especially when they’re playing. Combining fun and play with learning opportunities is a great way to support your child’s brain development and growth. These math games give you a chance to have fun together while helping your child learn age-appropriate math skills.
What to Do If Your Child Hasn’t Made Friends at PreschoolWhen our children go to preschool, it can be both exciting and scary for us as caregivers. We want them to learn all kinds of new things, have fun, and make friends. Hearing that our children aren’t making friends at school can be heartbreaking. There are some ways we can support our children and help them connect with future friends.
Discussing Coronavirus with Your ChildrenLike any tough subject, COVID-19 can be challenging for parents to talk about with their children. When parents feel calm and clear in their own understanding, it is easier to be calm and clear when explaining tough topics to children. Find ways to break down this big topic and discuss calmly with your child.
Different Discipline Styles in Action: Various Ways to Respond to MisbehaviorDiscipline is often most effective when it’s consistent and predictable for children. If the expectations continue to change, children might get confused about how to act in specific situations. It’s important for both caregivers to co-develop boundaries, expectations, and approaches to discipline and then apply those consistently.
Q&A with Mario Lopez and Family about Having a New Baby at HomeThe Lopez family went from a family of four to a family of five and newest big sister and brother answer questions about what it feels like at home. The kids answer questions about bonding as a family, songs they sing together, and, well, who handles diaper duties!
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