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How Often Should I Bathe My Baby? And Other Grooming Questions
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Your little bundle of joy is squirming in your arms. You might feel your heart filling with love—and your brain filling with questions about how to keep your baby safe, clean, and healthy. These hygiene tips for infants and babies can help take the guesswork out of grooming your baby and help you focus instead on bonding with your little one.

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Q: How often should I bathe my baby?

A: It is recommended to bathe your baby two to three times a week during their early months and gradually increase the frequency as they get older and more active.

Q: What should I use for my baby's skincare?

A: It is advised to use mild, fragrance-free skincare products specifically formulated for babies as they are gentle on the baby's delicate skin and less likely to cause irritation or allergies.

Q: How should I care for my baby's hair?

A: Use a soft baby brush or comb for your baby's hair, avoid adult shampoos or harsh chemicals, and be gentle while washing. Gently pat their hair dry with a soft towel, or let their hair air dry.

Q: How should I care for my baby's eyes and eyelashes?

A: You can clean your baby's eyes by wiping them gently with a warm, damp cloth from the inner corner to the outer corner. Use a separate area of the cloth for each eye to avoid spreading any potential infections.

Q: How should I care for my baby's umbilical cord?

A: Until the umbilical cord stump falls off, which can take up to three weeks, it is recommended to give sponge baths instead of regular baths. Avoid dunking the umbilical area in water so it will stay clean and dry.

Q: What gum and teeth care requirements do babies have?

A: Cleaning your baby's gums after feeding is important, even before their teeth start to emerge. Use a soft, damp cloth or a small, soft-bristled toothbrush. 

As teeth start appearing, transition to a baby-sized toothbrush and a tiny smear of children’s toothpaste. Do your best to take your baby to dental checkups every six months, and limit sugary foods and drinks to prevent tooth decay.

Q: When should I start using sunscreen on my baby?

A: During their first few months, babies are more sensitive to sun exposure due to their skin containing less melanin, which provides some sun protection. The Skin Cancer Foundation advises waiting until a baby is 6 months old before using sunscreen. Instead, you can protect your child by putting them in lightweight clothing that covers their arms and legs, adding a wide-brimmed hat, and using a stroller with a sun-protective cover. As much as possible, avoid direct sun exposure, especially during the middle of the day.

Q: How can I maintain proper diaper area care for my baby? How can I prevent and treat diaper rash?

A: Keep your baby's diaper area clean and dry. Change diapers frequently, and use gentle baby wipes or a damp cloth to clean the area. Applying a diaper rash cream or ointment can help prevent and treat diaper rash. If your baby's rash is extremely painful or does not improve within three days, consult their healthcare provider. Seek medical attention if the skin has blisters or bright red raised bumps, especially following antibiotic use or if there is yellow or green discharge around the rash. Additionally, contact your healthcare provider if your baby has a fever over 100.4°F along with the rash.

If you have any concerns or questions about your baby's health or grooming, always consult with a healthcare professional.

First 5 California
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First 5 California
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