Those early years are filled with lots of diapers! Learn important tips about diaper changing here.

Diaper duty may not be the most fun part of parenting, but for those first few years, there’s no escaping it! Babies, especially newborns, go through more diapers than you might have realized. And if you’re a new parent, chances are that you’re spending a lot of time at that changing table.

One of the many ways you can help protect the health of your baby or toddler is to continually check and change his diapers throughout the day. While wetness doesn’t bother some babies, a lack of tears or discomfort does not allow you to skip a diaper change. Even a small amount of locked-in moisture from urine can lead to diaper rash. Check out the “Rashes” page for more information on diaper rash.
Take a look at this fact sheet from First 5 San Joaquin for quick tips and guidelines that will help keep your baby clean, dry, and healthy!
QUICK TIP: Use diapering time as singing time. Look into your baby’s eyes and sing a soft melody during every change.