I Spy
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Pointing out things you see is a great way to engage with your newborn. Why not make it into a game? With “I Spy,” you can do just that.

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Supplies List:
  • You and your baby


As you are holding your baby, start pointing out what you see around you by saying, “I spy…” When you choose something to “spy,” be sure to point to it and bring it close to your newborn’s face. Describe what color it is, how it feels, and what it does. Have fun with it too! Gently take your newborn’s hand and let him touch it (if it is safe to do so).

As you continue to do this, see if your newborn starts to anticipate your words when you start saying, “I spy…”

This can be a fun activity to do together with older siblings too!

This activity helps your newborn develop fine motor, language, and cognitive skills.

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